Jumat, 02 November 2012

250 unique facts

250 unique facts

1. English BC is BC (Before Christ). After CE is A.D (Anno Domini)2. Shark tooth loss more than 6000buah every year, and grow new teeth within 24 hours3. Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab4. Nissan's name comes from the Japanese Ni: 2 and San: 3. Nissan: 235. Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels6. Stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so the stomach does not digest itself.7. 98% of rapes and murders carried out by a close family member or friend of the victim.8. Ants can lift 50 times its body weight9. Declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana10. Dot over the letter i is called 'title'11. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down in a glass12. Benjamin Franklin was the youngest child of parents descended into the fifth youngest youngest in the family.13. Triskaidekaphobia is fear on the 13th. Paraskevidekatriaphobia is ketekukan on Friday the 13th (which occurs between 1-3 times a year). in Italy, 17 is an unlucky number. Japan's unlucky number is 414. Giraffe tongue length is about 50 cm15. The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva every day16. We breathe about 23 000 times each day17. Words ZIP (postal code) is "means Zoning Improvement Plan.18. Coca-Cola contained Coca (which is the active ingredient in cocaine) from 1885 until 1903.19. On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of it we are talking to myself)20. If the quota of water in our body decreases 1%, we immediately felt thirsty21. Four symbols on playing cards the king of kings who represents four etrkenal in each era: Spades = David / King David, Clubs = Alexander the Great / Alexander the Great, Hearts = Charlemagne / King of France; Diamonds = Julius Caesar22. We drank the water for life of approximately 75 000 liters23. Everyone, including identical twins, fingerprints and tongue are the same.24. Red dot on the 7-Up logo comes from the red-eyed inventor. He was an albino.25. Men lose 40 hairs each day. 70 pieces of women.26. Sign 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk with the shutter image upside down27. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins (Elsa L wenthal and Emma Wedgewood).28. Camels have three eyelids.29. A hair on our heads grows a period of 2 to 6 years before replaced with new hair30. Somebody will still be conscious for eight seconds after beheading31. Working muscles is our body's fastest dikelopak eye muscles that make us blink. we can blink in a second 5kali32. Chocolate can kill dogs, because it directly affects their heart and nerve structure33. Without the mixed saliva in the mouth, we would not feel the taste of food34. 4kali Fingernails grow faster than toenails35. 13% of people in the world is left-handed36. Most lipstick contains fish scales37. Weight newborns head quarter of your weight38. We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. Fourth part of the brain used to regulate the working eye39. Scorpions can be killed with a douse with vinegar, they will be angry and sting itself40. Year 1830an tomato sauce is usually sold as a drug.41. Three wise monkeys have names: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).42. Indian Act has the right to cows43. If you sneeze too hard can crack ribs. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. if forcing your eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can jump out.44. Philippines country name derived from the name of King Phillip45. Saudi Arabia berasala from the name of King Saud46. The kids have 20 teeth early. Adults have 3247. Because metal was scarce, trophies Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood48. Each cycle is 11 years, the solar magnetic poles trade places. This cycle is called "Solarmax".49. There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first in chess.50. There are more than 300 tartar-forming bacteria51. Tiger is the largest member of the family cat52. Number "172" can be found on the U.S. dollar banknotes 5, the bushes on the image below the Lincoln Memorial.53. Palm tree kills 150 people every year. More than sharks54. On the poster the movie 'Pretty Woman' Julia Robets too short to be aligned with Richard Gere. Then used as a body model Michelle Julia Shelley.55. Loss of solar polar regions during the 186 days a year56. International telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.57. The first allied bombs dropped on Berlin during World War II. Killing is the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.58. The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour59. It took 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa.Lukisan was not tagged and given a date. Leonardo and Mona had identical bone structures according to X-rays and there are three versions of the painting under the painting.60. Gemini is the name of the twins Castor and Pullox61. Movement of the Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow filam so you could see all his movements.62. One pound of body weight containing 7000 calories63. Same blood thick with sea water64. Sea water in the Atlantic saltier than the Pacific ocean65. Mask used by Michael Myers in the horror film 'Helloween' mask actually a Captain Kirk (Star Trek) painted white, due to lack of funds66. The original name of butterfly (butterfly) was flutterby.67. Babies born every seven seconds68. One of 14 Native American woman with blond hair. Only one of 17 men69. The Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic, and served safely for 25 years.70. When Titanic sank, 2228 people were on it. Only 706 survivors71. In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa, someone dies of AIDS every 10 minutes72. Until the age of 6 months, babies can swallow and breathe simultaneously. Adults can not73. The reason why most of the needle pointing diiklan clock at 10.10, because the clock like he was smiling74. Each year, months away from the earth's 3.82 cm75. When we stay alive and there is no food, keds leather belt and shoes are the best foods to eat because they contain enough nutrients to live temporarily.76. In one drop of water contains 50 million bacteria77. By raising your legs pelan2 and lie quietly with your back straight, you can not sink into quicksand.78. One in 10 people live on an island79. Discard celery eating more calories than the calories contained in the celery itself80. Lobsters can live for 100 years81. Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land82. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying83. Cat's jaw can not move leftist and right84. Name of the Arctic (north pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed there's only polar bear at north pole85. If you think standing on the bottom of the well, although we could see stars in daylight86. We hear voices from inside the shells rather than sound waves, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.87. Most people who suffer from fear of open spaces (kenophobia) than ketakukan in closed spaces (claustrophobia).88. Glue on Israeli postage circular motion, but with the movement of the letter W89. Scene band continued playing music while the Titanic sank is a true story90. Book Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from libraries91. 35% of people who participate contacts going online, married92. Coca-Cola first green93. Physically, the pig can not look to the sky94. All polar bears are left-handed95. Bats always turn left when flying out of the cave96. Jim Henson first use of the word "Muppet". The combination of "marionette" and "puppet."97. Elephants the only animals that can not jump98. The Michelin man (figure dressed in a white hat and diiklan Michelin) named Mr. Bib. Bibendum real name on the first ad in 1896.99. We can not lick our own elbows100. The word "lethologica" describes a time when we can not remember what we want.101. Approximately 14% of injecting drug users are HIV positive.102. Same sentence can be read from front and back (racecar, kayak, finished) is called a "palindrome".103. A snail can sleep for three years104. Passing above the equator approximately 200 foreign satellites, including spy satellites105. People in China who speak English more than the people in America106. Because of the influence of the earth's rotation, if we throw towards the west, we will throw further collapse of the easterlies107. One of 9000 people is an albino108. The electric chair was invented by a dentist109. We share your birthday with 9 million people from around the world110. Everyday, an average of Monopoly sets out to wait for two weeks111. Aqua bottle and places to eat new plastic can decompose completely in the soil after 50 000 years112. Cats can make more than 100 vocal sounds, dogs only about 10113. Beaver teeth never stop growing114. Bats are the only mammals that can fly115. If Barbie were human, its size is 39-23-33 (99-58,5-84 cm). The height was 215 cm and had a neck 2kali longer than a normal human116. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.117. Wearing headphones for an hour can mengembangbiakan bacteria in the ear 700 times faster.118. A baboon named 'Jackie' to become soldiers in an army official in South Africa in World War I119. Bibliophile is a name for the collector of rare books. Bibliopole is the seller of rare books120. Blue whale heart beats nine times per minute121. Arabic numerals are not really derived from the Arabic, but were created in India.122. Butterflies seen with the eye 12 000123. February 1865 is the only month in recorded history that did not get to experience the full moon.124. Chickens that had severed his neck was still able to run the ball along the ground before actually dying.125. A cockroach can live nine days without a head, and will die of starvation126. On Earth, one year is 365 days. On the planet Mercury for the year are 2 days127. Age of the dragonfly is 24 hours128. At the age of three months the human fetus begins to form a fingerprint.129. It took six months for toenails to grow out from under the bottom to the tip of the nail.130. Fish's memory is only 3 seconds131. The full moon nine times brighter than the moon tebih half.132. For each person above the memorial statue of a horse, if two horses front legs raised, the person died in battle, if one hoof raised, the person died of wounds in battle, if four legs are on the ground, the person died as normal.133. Adult bears can run as fast as a horse134. More horse bones 18 pieces of human bones135. Jellyfish consists of 95% water136. Zebra skin is black and white striped137. Unless humans and monkeys, all mammals are color-blind138. Apple seeds contain cyanide139. Rats and horses can not vomit140. Penguin is a bird that can not fly but can swim.141. Prohibited from eating peanuts before astronauts explore space because if the exhaust air in a special outfit they can endanger astronauts.142. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance143. Before there was a jet plane, jet lag is called Boatlag144. Cats sweat through the soles of his feet (especially when he heard a dog barking)145. Cats can not taste the sweet taste146. Meleled chocolate in the mouth because its melting point is 35 degrees celcius147. In the first war, a blind person in the team colors needed in military camouflage detection148. Cows have no upper teeth149. Hedenophobic means fear of pleasure.150. Ancient Egyptian priests plucked every hair from their bodies and hair.151. Crocodiles can not stick the tongue.152. Fart cow including the main causes of global warming153. Ants always fall skewed to the right if given a poison insects154. House cats hate the smell of all that smells of lemon and citrus155. Donald Duck was banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants156. The original name was Donald Duck Donald Duck Flauntleroy157. Butterflies taste there at their feet158. Dry Ice does not melt, but evaporates159. Lebig ostrich eyes bigger than his brain160. Starfish have no brains161. Every human has a different ear162. Submerged aquatic fresh eggs, eggs that expired floating163. 80% of all the world's animals are insects164. Peanuts are one of the ingredients to make dynamite165. Queen Elizabeth I suffer Anthophobia (fear of roses)166. RSVP is Respondez s'il vous plait, which means 'please reply'167. A healthy human eye (not color blind) can menbedakan 500 types of gray.168. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.169. Europe is a continent without a desert170. Flies jump backwards when going to fly171. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear172. A honeybee Can fly at Fifteen miles per hour.173. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.174. A "Jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.175. Only three angels, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer who is called in the gospel176. Goat possessed rectangular pupils177. The first novel that uses a typewriter is Tom Sawyer178. Hamsters love to eat crickets179. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match180. Average in each of chocolate candy bars are melted with insects.181. Rhinoceros horn is made of hardened hair182. The shortest war in history was the war of Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.183. Lice actually prefer to live on the scalp clean from the dirty184. Polar bears are actually black leather. Fur is translucent, and appear white in the snow.185. Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth, hence the middle name was spelled Aron, in honor of his brother.186. Hedgehogs have a human-like fingerprints.187. Donkeys kill more people than plane crashes.188. Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "Bump."189. Beings who can only blush human190. If we keep a goldfish in a dark room, the color will turn white.191. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.192. The name Jeep (Jeep) comes from the abbreviation "GP", the army for General Purpose.193. People using the right hand, approximately, nine years longer than people age lefty194. If all the gold mined in the sea, every man in the world can get 20 kg of gold masing2.195. If the human liver stops working, people will die in 24 hours 8 samapai196. A "quidnunc" is the designation for people who always want to know the latest gossip.197. If the sun suddenly went out, it took eight minutes for people to realize it.198. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors, the helicopter, and many other tools.199. In 4000 years, no new types of pets.200. 25% of human bones in the foot.201. David Sarnoff was the person who receives the signal meyelamatkan Titanic and hundreds of lives. He eventually became head of the radio network, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).202. Approximately 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.203. If we locked the airtight room, aka our first death from CO2 poisoning on o2 kekerangan204. If we lose one eye, we will lose one fifth of our vision and lost all depth perception of objects.205. Old standing without bending at all lutuk will make us pass out206. Garlic rubbed on the heel of the foot we will be able to smell permeated in our breath.207. With his hands stretched out as far as possible, the distance from both ends of the arms is the same with our high.208. During the eleven-day holiday means we've got nearly a million seconds to enjoy it209. In the movie Silence Of The Lambs, Hannibal Lecter character never blinks.210. In Japan, a coffee shop called 'Kissaten'.211. Boil an ostrich egg takes 40 minutes.212. Jaguar afraid of dogs213. Elephants only sleep two hours a day214. Johnny Depp was afraid of clowns215. Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, the largest moon in our solar system, larger than the planet Mercury.216. In golf, a 'Bo Derek' is a score of 10.217. Koalas have two thumbs up218. Latte is milk in Italian219. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlll ... is the name of a village in North Wales, UK.220. In Italy, Micky Mouse is better known as 'Topolino'221. Milk is actually more like food than a drink.222. There are more than 450 types of cheese in the world. 240 come from France.223. Mosquitoes prefer children than adults.224. The dust particles originated inside the house most of the dead skin cells225. Rat average person moves 40 times in his sleep226. In English, 'Naked' means without any protection. 'Nude' means naked227. Broccoli and cauliflower are vegetables that are of interest.228. Newborn babies have 350 bones. They gradually merge and disappear until there are 206 at the age of five years.229. There is no definitive evidence of who built the Taj Mahal.230. In a survey of 200 000 ostriches over 80 years, none of which buries its head in the ground.231. Nail Armstrong first stepped on the moon with the left foot.232. Shuttlecocks for badminton must have 14 feathers.233. Pearls can be dissolved in vinegar.234. Pigs can not sweat because they have no sweat glands. They were smeared with mud to cool the skin.235. Venus and Uranus is the planet in our solar system that rotates against the clock. So the sun rises from the west on the planet.236. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.237. Sharks are immune to cancer238. Deer Santa named: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen239. Several types of tapeworms will eat themselves if hungry.240. We can haul a cow up the stairs, but could not haul them down the stairs.241. Apollo 11 plaque left on the moon says "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969, AD / WE Came IN PEACE FOR ALL Mankind."242. Hawaiian alphabet consists of 12 letters only243. The most popular names in the world is Muhammad.244. We eyeball weighs about 28 grams245. Left lung is smaller than the right lung because it provides a place on the heart.246. Penguins at the south pole only, and can not cross the equator.247. Most people can hear better with the right ear248. Vitamins on the fruit is usually found on the skin249. Average car horn sounded in tone F250. Men are more capable of reading the paper with font sizes smaller than women .* vivagamers.com

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